自然 and 创造性表达: An on-demand workshop


An on-demand workshop for your next professional development day! A pre-recorded video, facilitator’s guide, and discussion prompts are included.

目标: To identify ways to facilitate young children’s experiences creating WITH nature.

持续时间: 1 - 2小时 (1 hour video runtime; discussion & activities can be as short or as long as you'd like)

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Imagine a workshop focused on using nature to facilitate process art and children’s creative expression…and all 与out blowing your entire professional development budget.

自然 & 创造性表达 On-Demand Workshop is here!

Art and creative expression are vital components of an early childhood classroom. 自然-based education is rich 与 opportunities to support children’s individual creative expression. 的se opportunities include using nature for inspiration, as a tool, and as a studio space.

自然 & 创造性表达 will help your team dig deep into their teaching to support children in expressing themselves creatively.  Specifically, the workshop will address these topic areas:

  • Why art matters: All too often art gets pushed aside in education. This section of the workshop will address the importance of art and creative expression in children’s development.

  • Creating WITH nature: In nature-based education we strive for children to learn 与 nature. 的 same is true 与 art and the result emphasizes process over product art. 

  • 自然作为一个空间,一个工具, & inspiration for creating:  Discover the many roles nature plays in young children’s creative expression. 的 natural world can be a studio or the creative medium itself. And of course nature can inspire children to imagine and create. This workshop provides examples specific to nature-based early childhood education.

When you purchase this workshop you’ll receive a downloadable Facilitator’s Guide (PDF)包括... 

  • A video link so you can watch the in-service workshop at a time that works best for your team

  • Prompts to encourage discussions among your team about using nature to facilitate children’s process art and creative expression

  • Printable worksheets to conduct an inventory of materials in your Indoor and Outdoor classrooms to support the seven different types of art

  • Certificate of completion so you can document and get credit for the time spent on this professional learning

现在注册 自然 & 创造性表达 and witness the transformation in your teaching and the impact that has on children as they learn in and 与 the natural world.

This on-demand workshop is perfect for educators looking for team development, as a teaching tool in pre-service education, or for individual professional learning. 

Want to level up this workshop?

安排一个现场问答&与瑞秋的电话! A Q&A session 与 Rachel is an especially high value addition if you are using these courses for a team of educators. You and your team can expect open discussion to address questions, 担忧, and thoughts specific to YOUR program. If you’re interested in scheduling, check page 3 of the Facilitator’s Guide for a link to schedule and pay for a 30-minute or 1-hour call.


瑞秋一. Larimore, Ph值.D.,  is an educator, consultant, speaker, researcher, and author. Her work focuses on the intentional integration of nature to support young children’s holistic development by learning 与 nature to expand their worlds and live rich, 完整的生活. She has written multiple books including Establishing a 自然-Based Preschool, Preschool Beyond Walls: Blending Early Childhood Education and 自然-Based Learning, and the forthcoming Evaluating 自然: Evaluating 自然ness: Measuring the Quality of 自然-based Classrooms in Pre-k Through 3rd Grade. 

在创立萨马拉之前, she spent more than a decade starting and directing one of the first nature-based preschools in the United States. She also serves on the advisory board of the Natural Start Alliance, a professional association supporting nature-based educators.